TKI Italy

TKI Italia

The TKI is also in Italy, growing every year and reaching different regions of the north and south of the country.


We work to provide simple vital concepts that all people can acquire with practice and constant work.


Through TKI Italia and TKI International, we work in the organization of seminars to work in depth different areas of Traditional Karate Do.


The Dojos associated with TKI Italia, work the same dynamic to impart Traditional Karate Do, seeking the best possible performance and a thorough study of each practitioner.

El Karate evoluciona con nosotros, esa evolución es el "Do".

Karate Do adapts to all ages and all physical abilities ...
During our life we have different needs, and physical and technical capabilities. Karate Do allows to be practiced taking into account all "our ages". There is no beginning or end, only an individual path between both extremes.
Hire service
Noticias de Italia
By Nelson Carrion 10 Jul, 2018
Un día de entrenamiento con Sensei Carlos De Marco en Italia

Are you interested in joining the TKI Italy ?
We are here to help you!

Queremos conocer cuáles son exactamente sus necesidades para poder ofrecerle la mejor solución. Cuéntenos lo que necesita y haremos todo lo posible por ayudarle. 
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Do you have any question? We are here to help you. Send us a message and we will contact you shortly.

Contact Us

Carlos Daniel De Marco

5º Dan TKI / WTKF

Carlos De Marco Sensei, como representante principal del TKI en Italia, tiene como objetivo hacer llegar a las nuevas generaciones el mensaje formativo que promulgamos desde el Instituto. De Marco tiene una amplia experiencia marcial que comienza en 1986 en Paysandú, Uruguay con Julio Campopiano Sensei. En 1994 emigra a Italia, donde ha vivido en diferentes puntos del país y ha entrenado con diversos maestros Italianos, europeos y japoneses. Su palmarés "deportivo" es uno de los más extensos de Italia, y le ha servido para ganarse el respeto de otros maestros locales e internacionales. También por los logros conseguidos por varios de sus alumnos más destacados. Sin embargo, su búsqueda del "camino" lo lleva a encontrarse con Sensei Carrión, con quien descubre el mensaje que se quiere transmitir a través del TKI. Un mensaje profundo, con amplio contenido didáctivo e informativo sobre lo que llamamos Karate Do Tradicional.

Affiliated Dojos

Palazzeto dello Sport di Zevio

ZEVIO. Verona (Italy)
Palazzetto dello Sport di Zevio. 
Via Aldo Moro 44. CAP 37059
ZEVIO - Verona (Italia)
Monday Wednesday and Friday
from 6 pm

Center Shape Lecture

VERONA (Italy)
Centro Forma gym in Verona.
Via Magellano 28. CAP 37138
VERONA (Italy)
Tuesday and Thursday
from 5 pm

Personal training

VERONA and surroundings (Italy)
Teléfono e Whatsapp:
( 39) 328 020 6471
Absolute discretion

Some of our students ...

"ARDUINI NICHOLAS born in Verona on November 1, 2008 beginning in 2014, awarded a blue belt in 2018.
They have participated in various foreign competitions including Krakow in Poland, London in England, Geneva in Switzerland and many other races in Italy.
Given the competence and skill of Maestro Carlos De Marco 5th Dan TKI, we take him to the Palazzetto dello Sport in Zevio, Verona, then doing 60 km round trip three times a week and with pleasure. "
Nicholas Arduini, Verona
May 23, 2006
TKI WTKF Blue Belt
“ARDUINI MATHIAS nato a Verona il 23 maggio 2006, inizio corso nell’anno 2012, conseguito cintura nera nell’anno 2018.
Hanno partecipato a varie gare estere tra cui Cracovia in Polonia, Londra in Inghilterra, Ginevra in Svizzera e molte altre gare nel territorio italiano.
Data la competenza e la bravura del Maestro Carlos De Marco 5° Dan TKI, lo portiamo fino al Palazzetto dello Sport a Zevio, Verona, faccendo quindi 60 km tra andata e ritorno per tre volte alla settimana e con piacere.”
Mathias Arduini, Verona
November 1, 2008
TKI WTKF Black Belt
"I have been practicing Karate with Sensei De Marco since I was 6 years old, and my passion for what he does and what he teaches has always struck me, you immediately feel it. This is exactly what makes my Dojo different from the others and that pushes me to choose something that maybe involves effort and sacrifices having to do 50 km round trip but it assures me quality and pushes me to make the right choice ".
Elena Antonioli, Verona
May 9, 2001
TKI WTKF Black Belt
“Ho iniziato a praticare karate, stile shotokan, 4 anni fa all'età di 9anni. Sono diventato cintura verde grazie all'esperienza che ho acquisito dopo numerose gare e stage, tra cui uno dei più importanti con il celebre maestro Nelson Carrion 7º Dan. Prima di iniziare karate praticavo calcio ma dopo aver conosciuto il Maestro Carlos De Marco 5º Dan, ho deciso di abbandonare il calcio per dedicarmi alla pratica del karate. Questo è successo grazie al mio maestro che con la sua passione e la sua bravura è riuscito a trasmettermi l'amore per questa disciplina.”.
Piergiorno Vermiglio, San Giovanni
21 Enero 2005
Cinturón Verde TKI WTKF
Phone and WhatsApp
( 39) 328 020 6471

Carlos De Marco Sensei

TKI Italia

Our team is constantly evolving thanks to the training it receives inside and outside the country, in the application of a clear and effective methodology that allows great results to be obtained with people of all ages.

The practice of Traditional Karate-Do is open to all ages. There is no ideal age to start, but desire to learn and train. Our body and our mind can always give a little more than we ourselves believe. The search for our limit is the way to know ourselves, and it is the essence of the "DO" (path) that each one starts in a totally personal way.

We train to feel good, and we feel good because we train.
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